Wednesday, February 4, 2009

1982/1983 by James

These are from Late 1982/early 1983, when i was working as an inbetweener at Hannas

Jim Wylie

Max Gunner

Jack Petrushka

Steve Lyons (a drawing based on somebody referring to "Animal" being in his "lair")

Jary Nemo

Geoff Collins


Arthur Filloy said...

Good on ya Jamie, thanks heaps for posting these tops drawringsgsss.
This is certainly a cool thing that you and other old bastards can post and contribute on this blog.

Very much appreciated indeed!

James Baker said...

No worries! And I'll have more for you later; of mine (from later, when I actually learned to draw) and some great stuff from CHRIS MINOS, SIMON, and more from the mighty DON!

Arthur Filloy said...

That Geoff Collins drawing really cracked me up, so spot on.